Awana is a Children's Ministry committed to reaching boys and girls
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and training them to
serve him. Awana Clubs is a place where your children can learn Bible
memorize Bible verses and play games.
(II Timothy 2:15)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, workman that needeth not to
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Club Information
Boys and Girls
Cubbies: 3 & 4 years old
Sparks: k-2nd Grade
Truth &Training (T &T): 3rd-5th Grade
Our "Growing in Grace" ministry is a class for young adult women.
The purpose of this ministry is to support women in their
relationship with God so that through spiritual friendships, mentoring,
modeling, and teaching one another, we might experience the freedom
to become all that God intends us to be.
Our "Master's Men" ministry is for young adult men. Scripture defines the
target of this ministry. It shows
how men can be transformed into God-glorifying individuals. Christian men
are able to do
this through learning the value of prayer with and for their families,
commitment to praying for other
men, and praying for the leaders and various ministries of the church. More
the 5 Stated Purposes of Master's Men are:
Fellowship, Discipleship, Stewardship, Soul-Winning and Edification.

"The Corners of the Field" is a food distribution ministry of Porters Grove
Baptist Church
and is designed to help those who are in any type of need. Our ministry goes
well beyond
people's physical problems though. Jesus offered people bread and water for
which they
would never hunger or thirst again. Our prayer is to, "reach people with food
and change
lives with the Gospel." We have found that most people need help financially at
some point
in their lives. We also know that each one of us has a great spiritual
need that must be met.
Through this endeavor our desire is to have these needs come together and that
when a physical
need is met, the Lord will open the door so we might share with them the Gospel.
We distribute
food out of our church every Thursday from 2-4 pm, we share our food with other
like ministries
in surrounding areas, we serve meals to the homeless in Elkton, MD and
Coatesville, PA, and
our church sponsors feeding centers in the Philippines. It's so exciting to know
that through this ministry and our church that we are reaching
people in our community, surrounding areas, and all
over the world.
Please pray for this ministry and help if you can. We are always in need of food
volunteers, and funds to help pay for emergency needs or things that may not
have been donated.

Who'll go and help this Shepherd kind
Help Him the wandering ones to find
Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold
Where they'll be sheltered from the cold
Bring them in - bring them in
Bring them in from the fields of sin
Bring them in - bring them in
Bring the wandering ones to Jesus
-W.A. Ogden
Porters Grove Baptist Church 478 Conelly Rd.
Rising Sun, MD 21911 410-658-5972